As announced on the official WIKF site, the annual summer course for senior Karateka will take place next month. These courses are only open to 2nd Dan and above and the aim is to unite our technique and safeguard the authentic Wado as taught by our founder.

Venue: Harris CTC College, London
Day 1: Sat, 11-Jun 13:00 to 17:30
Day 2: Sun, 12-Jun 10:00 to 14:30

As Sensei Bell will be attending this course, regular club training that weekend will be cancelled.


Congratulations to all the junior karateka that attempted their grading last week. Sensei Bell was pleased to announce that all students successfully achieved their next belt.

7th Kyu
Daniel Stinson
Jake Henry
Lewis Towe

8th Kyu
Kristian Close
Andrew Golden
Rachel Golden
Adam Towe
Megan McCullough

Sensei Bell reminds all students that further gradings (including Dan Grade) will be taking place later in the year and that all karateke need to train regularly to be eligible to take part.


Sensei Bell has announced there will be a Kyu grading session later this month for students looking to progress to their next belt. This grading is open to club members taking red, yellow and orange belts. Anyone wishing to attempt their next grade must attend the normal Sunday class and standard NI-WIKF grading fees will apply.

Venue: Robinson Centre
Date: Sunday, 27-Mar-2011
Training: 15:00 to 16:00
Grading: 16:00 to 16:30


Sensei Bell reminds all Kiryoku students that the regular training classes next weekend have been cancelled as he will be attending the Sensei Suzuki Winter course in London.
Also announced, a round of summer Kyu grading sessions and Sensei suggests that all students should take the opportunity to re-focus their syllabus training in preparation to achieve their next belts.


Sensei Bell has announced that both he and Jessica will be unavailable to take the mid-week training on Wednesday, 9th February and so that class will not be taking place. Students are also reminded that the Saturday class on the 5th was cancelled due to the North Vs South championships.


Hopefully you all had a pleasant holiday break, and are enjoying a prosperous new year so far. Unfortunately, the new calendar year also brings in new pricing for Saturday classes at the Robinson Centre. This pricing is set independently of Kiryoku, and there’s no planned increase for the Sunday or Wednesday night training sessions.
Also due to a rise in federation membership and karateka insurance, the yearly WIKF subscription has increased as well. Sensei Bell recently gave out information detailing the increase which came into effect from January 1st.

Dan grading success

Kiryoku is proud to announce that club instructor Jessica Morrow, successfully completing her 2nd Dan grading at Sensei Suzuki’s Winter course in London. Everyone at the club offers their congratulations – well done Jess!

Sensei bell would also like to remind students to train hard for the imminent Kyu grading session in March.


The 5th WIKF World Championships will take place in Braga, Portugal at the end of July. This is a major event in the Wado Ryu calendar and will be attended by more than 500 karateka representing 24 countries. Preceding the competition there will also be a three day special training course with Sensei Tatsuo Suzuki.

Venue: Parque de Exposições de Braga, Portugal

Training: Mon, 21-Jul to Wed, 23-Jul
Competition: Fri, 25-Jul to Sun, 27-Jul

Full event details can be found on the Wado-Ryu Portugal web site. Sensei Bell will be attending, and club member Jessica Morrow will be competing. No regular training classes will be held that weekend.